College of Admission Tests Multan


Solve the question of and select the option from the choices A through D/E. Check your Answer and view the explanation.

Question: 2

Like the better-known French fashion experts, the clothes of the Italian fashion designer are copied all over the world.
  • the clothes of the Italian fashion designers are copied all over the world.
  • copies of the clothes of Italian designers are made all over the world.
  • Italian designers make clothes that are copied all over the world.
  • the clothes copied all over the world are made by Italian designers.
  • there are copies of the clothes of Italian designers all over the world.

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Correct Answer: C

The sentence begins with a comparison (Like) to French designers, so the subject of the clause that follows must be something comparable to the French designers. This subject cannot be clothes or copies. The correct choice is C, which begins with Italian designers.