College of Admission Tests Multan

Dangling or Misplaced Modifier

Solve the question of and select the option from the choices A through D/E. Check your Answer and view the explanation.

Question: 3

The young man was surprised to find that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonist in a short story written by a former girlfriend.

  • that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonist in
  • his experience as a tutor having been used as the protagonist in
  • his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonist's in
  • his experience as a tutor being used as the basis for the protagonist o
  • that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for events in the life of the protagonist in

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Correct Answer: E


The tutor was the basis for the protagonist, or the tutor's experience was the basis for the experience of the protagonist. Only E makes this relation clear.