College of Admission Tests Multan

Ratios and Proportions

Solve the question of Ratios and Proportions and select the option from the choices A through D/E. Check your Answer and view the explanation.

Question: 1

10 women can complete a work in 7 days and 10 children take 14 days to complete the work. How many days will 5 women and 10 children take to complete the work?
  • 6 days
  • 7 days
  • 8 days
  • 9 days

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Correct Answer: B


1 woman's 1 day's work = 1 70

1 Child's 1 day's work = 1 140

5 Women and 10 children 1 day work =

capture Dup 2 -93703560

So 5 women and 10 children will finish the work in 7 days.