College of Admission Tests Multan

Ambiguity Wordiness and Redundancy

Solve the question of Ambiguity Wordiness and Redundancy and select the option from the choices A through D/E. Check your Answer and view the explanation.

Question: 1

It is highly desirable that you furnish evidence of your expenses before you submit your final accounts.

  • It is highly desirable that you furnish evidence of your expenses
  • It is highly desirable that you should furnish evidence of your expenses
  • It is highly to be desired that you furnish evidences of your expenses
  • You must furnish evidence of your expenses
  • You should have to supply evidence of your expenses

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Correct Answer: E


The constructions using being are awkward and wordy. Answer D is an example of a dangling modifier. Only Answer E is clear, and in the active voice throughout.