Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology
Pantnagar -
Admission 2025 - 2026
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology is only the university that has one communication center throughout the India. It is considered as State Agriculture University in India. Its communication center was established in 1970. It provides a great contribution in the Agriculture industry of the country. The aim of the communication is to broadcast information through publications, television and radio. University also provides distance learning Education to those who want to get Education at their homes.
Headquarters at University, Total 11 KVKs (working at grass root level) in 11 districts, Training unit of Headquarter, Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC) and State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI)
Programs and Courses
University offers undergraduate, graduate and post graduate programs for students. Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology is always following a semester system. Its academic year conducts 200 to 210 net instructional days. It also offers 5 to 7 subjects in one semester. Students can only complete their degree program when courses are approved by the Academic Council. The semester final examinations account for 40%-50% as the case may be. The University has offered a program know as 'Liberal Education'. It consists of following courses: Cultural Heritage of India, Yoga, Philosophy, Practical Psychology, Global Ecology, Population Studies, and Word Power etc. It helps in the development of personality and character of university students. They are aware of their cultural heritage and social problems and easily resolve them after studying these courses.
B.Sc (Agriculture), B.Sc (Food Technology), B.Vc. & AH, B.F.Sc, B.Sc (Home Science), M.Tech, MCA and Ph.D