Biology Practice MCQ Page 43

Multiple Choice questions for Biology in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 3023   Selaginella is widely distributed in the
  1. temperate zone `
  2. tropical areas
  3. north pole
  4. none of the above
Question: 3025   There are how many species of genus Selaginella?
  1. 70
  2. 700
  3. 7,000
  4. 70,000
Question: 3026   The plants body Selaginella is
  1. Gametophyte
  2. Sporophyte
  3. Saprophyte
  4. None of the above
Question: 3027   In Selaginella from each leaf projects out a small leaf like ourgrowth is called
  1. Ligule
  2. Hyphae
  3. Strobilus
  4. Zooids
Question: 3028   The leaf branches of Selaginella are known as
  1. Rhizoids
  2. Zooids
  3. Rhizophores
  4. Ligule
Question: 3031   The leaf branches of Selaginella are known as
  1. Rhizoids
  2. Zooids
  3. Rhizophores
  4. Ligule
Question: 3032   The sporophylls or reproductive leaves of Selaginella form a cone like structure known as
  1. Strobilus
  2. Rhizophores
  3. Archegonium
  4. Hyphae
Question: 3035   The sporangnia of Selagenells grow in the axil of
  1. Branches
  2. Rhizophores
  3. Sporophylls
  4. Leaves
Question: 3036   The male gmetophyte of Selaginella develops from the
  1. Spore
  2. Microspore
  3. Megaspore
  4. Suspensor
Question: 3038   One of the two cells of the first division of the zygote of Selaginella develops into the embryo while the other grows into the
  1. Prothallus
  2. Sporangium
  3. Suspensor
  4. Antheridum
Question: 3046   It is an example of living member of petridophytes which were ecolved at early stages
  1. Psilotium
  2. Rhizopus
  3. Selaginela
  4. None of the above
Question: 3047   In most primitive plants ,like Rhynia ......... performs the function of photosynthesis
  1. Stem
  2. Roots
  3. Leaves
  4. None of the above