Chemistry Practice MCQ Page 36

Multiple Choice questions for Chemistry in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 3196   A coordinate bond is usually represented by
  1. dash
  2. a pair of electrons
  3. lone pair
  4. an arrow
Question: 3197   A bond that is formed when both the electrons are donated by single atom is called
  1. ionic
  2. covalent
  3. coordinate
  4. metallic
Question: 3198   Hydronium ion in water is a good example of bonding type
  1. ionic
  2. covalent
  3. coordinate
  4. hydrogen
Question: 3199   In coordinate bonding, the atoms involved are called
  1. acceptor and donor
  2. ions
  3. radicals
  4. atoms
Question: 3200   Ammonium ion represents a good example of bonding of the type
  1. hydrogen
  2. ionic
  3. covalent
  4. coordinate
Question: 3201   In hydrochloric acid (HCl) the bond pair of electrons will be shard between H and Cl
  1. symmetrically
  2. unequally
  3. symmetrically
  4. mutually
Question: 3202   Due to unsymmetrical sharing of electrons in a covalent molecule, the bond attains a character
  1. ionic
  2. polar
  3. symmetrical
  4. coordinate
Question: 3203   The percent of ionic character in a covalent bond can be determined by the values of
  1. metallic character
  2. ionization potential
  3. electronegative
  4. electron affinity
Question: 3204   The bond energy of a covalent molecule will increase due to
  1. polarity
  2. difference in electronegativity
  3. difference in atomic number
  4. symmetry
Question: 3205   Bond energy of a molecule describes the bond
  1. polarity
  2. nature
  3. type
  4. strength
Question: 3206   When the difference of electronegativies of the bonded atoms in a molecule is 1.7, the covalent bond has an ionic
  1. 100%
  2. 50%
  3. 20%
  4. 10%
Question: 3207   Greater the charge difference between the ends of covalent molecule, it binding energy will
  1. increase
  2. remain same
  3. decrease
  4. becomes zero