Computer Sciences Practice MCQ Page 45

Multiple Choice questions for Computer Sciences in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4575   Benchmarks are
  1. simulator programs
  2. vendor's application
  3. actual system programs
  4. representative routines for system timing
Question: 4576   Which is the most important software ergonomics consideration
  1. display layout
  2. command language
  3. error message and help functions
  4. response times
Question: 4577   Benchmarks are
  1. simulator programs
  2. vendor's application
  3. actual system programs
  4. representative routines for system timing
Question: 4578   Which is the most important software ergonomics consideration
  1. display layout
  2. command language
  3. error message and help functions
  4. response times
Question: 4580   The use of the microcomputer as decision tool
  1. allows the microcomputer to support human decisions
  2. can make common decisions according
  3. makes all decisions for human action
  4. is not possible at the present state of computer technology
Question: 4581   What is the first task in the system analysis
  1. programming
  2. orientation and fact finding
  3. the study of the processing operation
  4. environmentally dependent
Question: 4582   The system that provides digested and summarized information is known as
  1. data base systems
  2. decision support system
  3. account processing system
  4. word processing function
Question: 4583   The system that provides digested and summarized information is known as
  1. data base systems
  2. decision support system
  3. account processing system
  4. word processing function
Question: 4584   The system that provides digested and summarized information is known as
  1. data base systems
  2. decision support system
  3. account processing system
  4. word processing function
Question: 4586   What is the source data automation
  1. the use of software data automation
  2. a section criterion
  3. capturing data near a computer
  4. capturing data at the point of generation
Question: 4587   What is strategic planning
  1. planning operations
  2. problem identification
  3. supervising
  4. technical feasibility
Question: 4588   The product of system analysis si
  1. cost analysis study
  2. feasibility study
  3. application study
  4. system team charter

Answers to the questions of Computer Sciences on this page

Following list gives the correct choice for the answer of the Computer Sciences mcqs.
4575 . D       4576 . C       4577 . D       4578 . C       4580 . B       4581 . B       4582 . B       4583 . B       4584 . B       4586 . D       4587 . B       4588 . B      

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MCQ for Practicing Subject Tests