Management Practice MCQ Page 13

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 873   Span of management means :
  1. a good organization should consist of departments
  2. authority of each person must be clearly defined
  3. each subordinate should have one superior
  4. a manager can supervise a limited number of executives.
Question: 874   Which of the following is the oldest type of organization?
  1. functional organization
  2. line organization
  3. line and staff organization
  4. committee organization.
Question: 875   The defining characteristics of a group include all but which of the following :
  1. cohesion
  2. identity
  3. shared interests
  4. interaction.
Question: 876   Due to the need for face-to -face contact,group membership seldom rises above:
  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 15
  4. 20
Question: 877   The need level least likely to be satisfied in most group contexts is :
  1. physiological
  2. security
  3. social
  4. esteem.
Question: 878   The structure property of groups that supervisors should be most concerned about is:
  1. goals
  2. norms
  3. roles
  4. status.
Question: 879   Groups are more cohesive when;
  1. they are large
  2. they are isolated from outside contact
  3. they have little opportunity to interact
  4. their membership is heterogeneous.
Question: 880   Which of the following is a dysfunctional feature of group?
  1. they tend to contribute to stability
  2. they are primary sources of control
  3. they are important sources of need satisfactory
  4. they tend to become close systems.
Question: 881   A good rule to follow when organizing a group is :
  1. make it large to maximise a sense of belonging
  2. match the objective with the relative homogeneity of the group
  3. disregard previous informal relationships and watch the new one appear
  4. prevent dissidents from joining or participating .
Question: 882   With regard to the nature-nature controversy , a supervisor can ;
  1. control neither heredity nor the environment
  2. control heredity but not the environment
  3. control the environment but not heredity
  4. control both heredity and the environment .
Question: 883   The process of perception typically includes all but which of following?
  1. interpreting data
  2. creating data
  3. selecting data
  4. organizing data.
Question: 884   Distortions in perception may as a product of :
  1. the information processing mechanisms only
  2. the accuracy of the processing
  3. both the mechanisms and the accuracy of the processing
  4. neither,perception is individualized therefore is never truly incorrect or distorted.