Management Practice MCQ Page 29

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4158   Current management theory is a combination of:
  1. process and behaviour school
  2. quantitative and systems school
  3. process and systems school
  4. process,quantitative and behavioural school
Question: 4159   Modern management theory does not include:
  1. a reduction in the application of systems theory
  2. modern organization structure
  3. increased research on human behaviour
  4. greater attention to the management of change
Question: 4160   Systems theory:
  1. is believed to be the basis of a school in itself
  2. is the basis for systems management
  3. provides the general base for the use of computers in business
  4. all of the above
Question: 4161   A managerial approach that uses those aspects of management schools that meet the unique of the individual manager is called
  1. eclectic
  2. behavioural
  3. quantitative
  4. process
Question: 4162   Functionalism involves:
  1. a scalar chain of command
  2. assigning tasks to certain people
  3. compulsory staff consultation
  4. none of the above
Question: 4163   An open system does not include;
  1. input
  2. output
  3. transformation process
  4. resistance to change
Question: 4164   Social systems are
  1. mechanical
  2. biological
  3. contrived
  4. all of the above
Question: 4165   Management functions do not include
  1. developing strategy
  2. formulating objectives
  3. being a company spokesman
  4. developing technology
Question: 4177   Staffing function of management comprises the actives of :
  1. selecting suitable persons for positions
  2. defining the requirements with regard to the people for the job to be done
  3. training and developing staff to accomplish their tasks more effectively
  4. all of these
Question: 4178   Staffing function of management needs to be performed:
  1. only in new enterprises
  2. only in going enterprises
  3. both in new and going enterprises
  4. none of these
Question: 4179   Guiding and supervising the efforts of subordinates towards the attainment of the organization 's goals describes the function of :
  1. planning
  2. organizing
  3. directing
  4. controlling
Question: 4180   Directing function of management embraces activities of :
  1. issuing orders to subordinates
  2. supervising subordinates
  3. guiding and teaching the subordinates
  4. providing leadership and motivation to subordinates
  5. all of these