Management Practice MCQ Page 36

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4419   Which of the following is not a basic function of every business
  1. financing
  2. distributing
  3. research
  4. creating a utility
Question: 4420   The organization chart will not show:
  1. the informal organization
  2. how the work is divided
  3. the nature of the work performed by the components
  4. chain of command
Question: 4421   "Unity of command" is violated under:
  1. line organization
  2. line and staff organization
  3. functional organization
Question: 4422   While delegating a super delegates:
  1. only authority
  2. authority and responsibility
  3. authority,responsibility and accountability
  4. authority and responsibility but on the accountability
Question: 4423   Decentralization :
  1. increases the importance of superiors
  2. decreases the importance of superiors
  3. increases the importance of subordinates
  4. decreases the importance of subordinates
Question: 4424   Which of the following is not a kind of departmentalization?
  1. time
  2. customer
  3. ad hoc
  4. equipment
Question: 4425   The role of "staff" in line and staff organization is:
  1. authoritative
  2. advisory
  3. responsibilitive
Question: 4426   Span of control is narrow when the:
  1. posts in the top management increases
  2. posts in the middle management increases
  3. posts in the first-level increases
Question: 4427   Project organization:
  1. is a close system
  2. is long -lived
  3. has rigid organization
  4. none of these
Question: 4428   Committees are most effectine in handing?
  1. jurisdictional questions
  2. communications
  3. decision making
  4. all of the above
Question: 4429   Disadvantages of committees do not include:
  1. motivation of participation
  2. decisions as a result of compromise
  3. general inefficiency in some areas
  4. waste of executive time
Question: 4430   Disadvantages of committees do not include:
  1. motivation of participation
  2. decisions as a result of compromise
  3. general inefficiency in some areas
  4. waste of executive time