Management Practice MCQ Page 38

Multiple Choice questions for Management in the sets of 10 each on one page with questions and answers. All sets are useful in the preparation of subject tests for employment or admission.
Question: 4439   A.H. Maslow suggested that in modern society, safety needs are
  1. completely satisfied (100%)
  2. largely satisfied (70%)
  3. partially satisfied (30%)
  4. unsatisfied
Question: 4440   An employee working under a tinancial incentive system, who would like to produce more in order to earn more money but would thereby loose the friendship of those in the work group, faces an ------
  1. approach-approach conflict
  2. approach-avoidance conflict
  3. avoidance-avoidance conflict
  4. none of these
Question: 4441   What in your onion would be the most powerful personal objective of a Noble Prize winning chemist working in the research department of medical concern?
  1. money
  2. status
  3. pride of creativity
  4. none of these
Question: 4442   The junior executive who faces choice of either working in the evenings or missing a due date for a job assignment is involved in an ------ conflict situation
  1. approach-approach
  2. approach-avoidance
  3. avoidance-avoidance
  4. none of these
Question: 4443   The junior executive who faces choice of either working in the evenings or missing a due date for a job assignment is involved in an ------ conflict situation
  1. approach-approach
  2. approach-avoidance
  3. avoidance-avoidance
  4. none of these
Question: 4444   A woman employee who "breaks down and cries" when reprimanded and a repairman who "hits a sensitive mechanism illustrate the reaction called
  1. aggressive response
  2. withdrawal respnose
  3. compromise response
  4. none of these
Question: 4445   The foreman who "get mad"at an inspector for rejecting parts manufactured in his department thereby exhibits
  1. aggressive response
  2. withdrawal response
  3. compromise response
  4. none of these
Question: 4446   The managerial assumption that people basically dislike work, prefer to be directed, and want to avoid responsibility has been called
  1. theory X
  2. theory Y
  3. theory Z
  4. none of these
Question: 4447   Who propounded theory X and theory Y
  1. Douglas Mc Gregor
  2. A.H. Maslow
  3. Frederik Herzberg
  4. David Mc Clelland
Question: 4448   The managerial assumption that work is as natural as play or rest, and that higher order needs are the ones particularly relevant to successful motivation, is called
  1. theory X
  2. theory Y
  3. theory Z
  4. none of these
Question: 4449   Peter Drucker has been critical of Theory Y for
  1. its attempted to control employees by psychological manipulation
  2. totally discarding theory X
  3. stressing work as natural as play or rest
  4. stressing on virtues of human nature
Question: 4450   Theory Y approach imply that greater reliance should be placed on
  1. external control
  2. internal control
  3. production control
  4. none of these